Accelerating translational outcomes through diverse protein expression platforms
PEF invites you to the 2022 Protein Expression Workshop. The workshop will expand your knowledge on recombinant protein expression using E. coli, yeast, baculovirus/insect cell and mammalian cell platform technologies. PEF research specialists will present topics on UQ’s modern recombinant protein expression capabilities.
Set your protein expression strategy with confidence, using exclusive insights from industry leaders in our workshop panel discussion.
Catherine Owczarek Ben Hughes Tony Vuocolo
Director, Head of Recombinant Proteins Director of Strategic Development Flystrike Vaccine Project Leader
CSL Limited National Biologics Facility – TIA CSIRO
Heique Bogdawa Ric Tang
Project Manager Research Specialist
BioCurate Pty Ltd PEF
Who should attend?
The workshop is open to all Honours, Masters and Research Higher Degree students and research staff from any organisation.
When: 8 August 2022
Time: 9:00 am – 11:30 am (Brisbane time)
Where: Hybrid event: virtual (online) and in-person (registration opens at 8:40 am)
In Person Venue: Seminar Room, Level 1, AIBN (Building 75), St Lucia
Cost: Free
Registrations are essential
In person attendence numbers are limited to room size - select in-person registration only if you are committed to physically attending. The online Zoom link will be provided to all on registering. Note, the workshop will not be recorded. Registrations close 5 August.
UQ Staff and Student Experience
Following the workshop, PEF is offering a facility lab tour exclusively for UQ staff and students. See registration page for details. Participant numbers are strictly limited and will be assigned in order of registration until limit is reached.