Manon Cox

Dr. Manon M.J. Cox, MBAĀ joined Matrivax in January 2019 as CEO and is responsible for leading the development of two important bacterial vaccines. She founded NextWaveBio early 2018 following her departure from Protein Sciences Corporation where she led the development of FlublokĀ®, the only FDA approved recombinant influenza vaccine. In August 2017 Sanofi completed the acquisition of Protein Sciences Corporation where she served as President and Chief Executive Officer since April 2010 and Director since 2008
Dr. Cox has received many honors and awards recognizing her stature as a leader in innovation and influenza. Dr. Cox holds a Doctorate from the University of Wageningen, received her MBA with distinction from the University of Nijenrode and the University of Rochester, NY and holds a Doctorandus degree in Molecular Biology, Genetics and Biochemistry from the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.