2 to 4 July
Brisbane, Australia
Protein Australia 2023
From 2-4 July 2023 we engaged with scientists from academia, industry and government who are contributing to the development of protein science and protein technology.
Protein Australia highlighted recent advances in protein research, protein engineering and production for structural and functional studies, and included a special focus on translation of protein-based bioproducts.
The themes included protein engineering and production, protein quality and characterisation, and bioprocess innovation for biomanufacturing.
Join us in Brisbane
Join us in Brisbane for 3 days of cutting-edge programming. Conference registration includes:
- Keynote speakers from Australia and around the world
- Scientific trade exhibition
- Expert panel discussions
- Student talk and poster competitions
- Social networking events
- Protein production workshop
Speaker Introduction

Daniel G. Bracewell
Professor of Bioprocess Analysis
University College London
"Cell Free Protein Synthesis: A Disruptive Approach to the Discovery and Manufacture of Modified Proteins for Prophylactic and Therapeutic Use"

Keith Chappell
Group Leader
The University of Queensland
"Molecular Clamp 2.0: A broadly applicable subunit platform to safeguard against future viral pandemics"

David Craik
Director, Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science
The University of Queensland
“Cyclotides: Ultrastable mini-proteins with applications in medicine and agriculture”

Peter Czabotar
Co-Head, Structural Biology Division
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medicine
“Delving into the molecular machinery of cell death to discover new drug targets”

Iris Depaz
Country Medical Lead & Head of Medical Vaccines, ANZ
"Through the looking glass: An industry perspective on translating research into patient solutions"

Anthony Doyle
Vice President - Antibody Discovery, Sydney
Teva Pharmaceuticals
"Harnessing the therapeutic potential of Cytokines: Next generation immunocytokines

Matthew Goeldsmede
Senior Manager, Production
Telix Pharmaceuticals
“Theranostics - Molecularly targeted radiation for treatment of cancer and rare diseases”

René Hubert
Director, Expression and Cell Engineering
"Cell Whispering™ for Protein Engineers"

Pie Huda
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland
"Size matters – antibody fragments for targeted therapy"

Rajiv Khanna
Distinguished Scientist and Coordinator, QIMR CIVD. Group Leader, Tumour Immunology
QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
"Designing Epstein-Barr virus vaccine to prevent multiple sclerosis"

Sierin Lim
Associate Professor of Bioengineering
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
"Protein materials for skin health and tackling plastic wastes"

Stephen Mahler
Global Chief - Science and Technology
Aegros Group
“Innovation in the manufacturing of blood products - plasma fractionation by tangential flow electrophoresis”

Tim Mercer
Director, BASE Facility
The University of Queensland
“How mRNA changes the way we make and take drugs”

Trent Munro
Senior Vice President, Therapeutics
Microba Life Sciences
"Human data driven drug discovery from the Microbiome"

Catherine Owczarek
Director, Recombinant Protein Expression Group
CSL Limited
"Innovations in recombinant protein technologies for drug candidate development from discovery to clinical studies"

Thomas Pillow
Distinguished Scientist (Chemistry), Discovery Chemistry
"Next Generation Antibody-Drug Conjugates: Enabling the Delivery of Protein Degraders"

Anurag S. Rathore
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
"Development of biotech therapeutic products: Challenges and Opportunities"

Tony Vuocolo
Scientist, Project Leader - Flystrike Vaccine & Parasite Glycomics and Novel Vaccines
“Striking back at Flystrike on Sheep – Identification, production and characterisation of vaccine protein antigens for the control of Flystrike”

Charlotte C. Williams
Principal Research Scientist and Group Leader
“CSIRO Biomedical Manufacturing and what's going on in Bioconjugation Chemistry at CSIRO”
Dates and venue
2 - 4 July 2023
Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
Corner Merivale and Glenelg Streets
South Bank, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
“Protein Australia 2019 was an outstanding experience..."
"I'd like to thank you and the PEF team for putting together a stunning conference...."
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